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The 21-Day Invitation: Steps to Reconnect with God

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Aren't sure how to make the most of your time with God?

We know how easy it is to start the day in a rush, with the best intentions to spend some time with Jesus, and then find the day has slipped away. Or maybe you have the time, but you just don’t know what to do with it. We want to help change that for you with a simple suggestion for your devotion time.

Using Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today devotions, this guide will help you start developing the habit of spending time in Scripture.

The 21-Day Invitation: Steps to Reconnect with God includes:

  • Daily devotions with key verses and questions to help you process and pray through what you learned.

  • Tips on how to have consistent time to connect with God.

  • A bonus guide on how to pray through Scripture.