Whether it’s online or friends we do everyday life with, there are so many conflicting voices out there. How do we know which ones to listen to?
Whose advice we follow matters because it dictates our actions and decisions. So it’s crucial that we ask ourselves: Is this information leading us in the right direction? Or is it taking us somewhere we don’t need to go? And most importantly, have we gone to the Lord for wisdom first?
The Bible actually has a lot to say about this. God wants to help us navigate these situations wisely.
So we created this resource to help you:
Address your own heart motivations before asking someone to weigh in on your situation so you can better receive what they may have to say.
Recognize the difference between biblical wisdom that leads to life and worldly advice that can lead to destruction.
Stop wondering whose input to follow, and instead learn ways to determine someone's trustworthiness, whether you know them personally or follow them online.