God Didn’t Say That: 10 Lies From the Enemy You Must Know

The lies coming at us don't stand a chance against the Truth of God’s Word.

The enemy may be convincing, but he’s really not all that creative. Most of his lies fall into three categories: steal, kill, destroy (John 10:10). And if we can better detect when we’re being lied to, we’ll be able to pause and ask ourselves, Is this really true? Does this sound like the voice of my heavenly Father who loves me?

Through this free resource, you will:

  • Receive a “cheat sheet” of how the enemy commonly speaks to you so that you can better detect his lies and only listen to the voice of God.
  • Stop feeling powerless against the negative thoughts you have by allowing Truth to rewrite how you see yourself.
  • Have access to more than 20 scriptures that you can send to a friend when she is down, discouraged and doubting who she is. 

Know the Truth. Live the Truth. It changes everything.


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