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Statement on Racism

Racism and Injustice are Not Biblical We must align our hearts, words and works to honor God and one another.

We at Proverbs 31 Ministries grieve with our sisters and brothers over the sinful actions against people of color here in our country and the world. We share in their righteous anger over injustice and systemic racism that has happened for centuries and continues to this day.

We know that injustice is prevalent, and we need to be part of the solution. There are many people for whom we need to stand up and help.

We believe the Bible clearly declares the value of each individual as an image-bearer of God — Imago Dei. (Genesis 1:26-27) Therefore, there is one race, yet beautifully diversified to reflect the creative brilliance of God. While sin hasn’t removed the image of God in us, it has damaged and separated us from God and each other.

In the void of separation, love and mercy are diminished, and suspicion, pride and hate can grow. When hurt sits unattended in the human heart for too long, it can so easily turn into hate. But hate will never bring us together. We must activate Christlike humility, mercy and justice. (Micah 6:8; Ephesians 5:1-2)

We confess and lament that we have stayed silent for too long and not spoken out publicly against this hate and violence. We confess and lament that we have not stood up publicly for those who have been oppressed and marginalized due to their ethnicity or color of skin.

We are seeking God-honoring justice for restoration and reconciliation between God and humankind as well as person to person. (Psalm 82:3-4) We ask for God to arise and lift His hand, to not forget the afflicted and to call wickedness to account.

At Proverbs 31 Ministries, we commit to listening, learning about and pursuing multiethnic reconciliation. (Ephesians 2:13-16) We believe in order to make a true and lasting change, we must first seek to understand. So we commit to seeking to understand without being defensive or divisive.

Then, as we understand, we must pursue action. As the Bible teaches, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22, NIV). So we pray for increased compassion that will lead to heart-change, then changes in our homes and families that will lead to lasting changes in our communities, nation and world.

Whether this is new to you or you’ve been on this journey of understanding for some time, we invite you to join us. 

The team at Proverbs 31 Ministries