Our Writers

Jodi Harris

Jodi Harris

Jodi Harris is a Bible teacher, speaker, writer, editor and cool boy mom to 3, who is in passionate pursuit of Jesus and living a better story. She desires to move women into a deeper relationship with Jesus and inspire them to use their gifts and lives fully for God. Jodi believes being authentic and real about life and its struggles are keys to transformation, healing and true community in Christ. To live the adventurous story He has imagined for each of us.

Jodi is a contributing author to the books Bloom Where You're Planted: Stories of Women in Church Planting, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 and She Writes for Him: Stories of Resilient Faith. She currently lives in Colorado.

Visit her at justjodiharris.com where she writes honest thoughts about life and struggles, Scripture, and the importance of coffee creamer.

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