
Standing in the Grass

by LuAnn Prater February 6, 2007
“By standing firm you will gain life.” Luke 21:19 (NIV)

Our three-year-old grandson came to visit this summer. We refer to him as King David. On the first day when my husband came home from work we walked down to the dock and loaded up the paddle boat for a fun fishing excursion. Grandpa showed him how to tie on his bait, cast and reel in his line. Grandma made sure everyone had snacks and drinks. It was great fun!
The next night when Grandpa came home we all headed down the bank toward the dock to make another memory. Suddenly King David turned around with his tiny outstretched finger pointing in my direction, “Grandma, you stand in the grass and take pictures. Me and Grandpa are going fishing.” I was stunned and amused all at the same moment. Immediately I thought of the Key Verse, “by standing firm you will gain life.”
That is a hard concept for busy women to grasp. Stand firm? You mean I must stand still? Have you seen my calendar? There are soccer games, dance lessons, and cupcakes to bake! Who has time to stand anywhere when you are on the go, go, go!
Throughout the Bible there are examples telling people to remove their sandals for where they stood was holy ground. Have you ever stopped to realize that the Holy Spirit, God’s gift to you, lives inside your heart? Therefore, everything you do, everyone you touch, everywhere you walk, is holy ground. Do we treat it as holy? Do we pause to drink in His presence? Or are we so busy racing to the next appointment that we simply miss the God moments that have been specially ordained for us?
Oh, how we miss opportunities to just stand in the presence of the Almighty and be breathless. He beckons us to review the snapshots of His outstretched hand pulling us out of the miry clay, scooping us out of harm’s way, and riding triumphantly on His shoulders when we experience victory over Satan’s schemes. These Kodak moments of memory are refueling stations of life. Pausing to remember reminds us that God is still God…and we’re not. He is still on the throne able to handle any situation.
We surround ourselves with friends who share our busyness. We compare notes on whose day-timer is the most out of control, as if it were a contest. Then when trials come, we are not prepared to stand firm because we have not taken time to simply stand in His presence and be filled-up.
I knew what my grandson’s request really meant, so I nodded my head in compliance. He had enjoyed my company all day long, but now he needed alone time with Grandpa. I stood in the grass taking pictures and basking in the majesty of the moment.
Dear Lord, teach me to take a break from the busyness of life today to just stand in Your presence. I want to drink in Your goodness and review the snapshots of Your provision. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Women Who Do Too Much by Patricia Sprinkle
The P31 Woman Magazine
Do You Know Him?
Application Steps:Symbolically take off your shoes, kneel on a pillow and just rest in His presence remembering that you are on holy ground.
Set aside a ‘stand’ moment in your agenda each day.
Read: Exodus 14:13-14
Reflection Points:What keeps us from giving quality time to the Lord?
When was the last time you stood silent in reverent awe?
How can standing in the presence of the Lord be a priority today?
Why do we rebel against quiet time?

Power Verses:

Deuteronomy 29:14-15, “I am making this covenant, with its oath, not only with you who are standing here with us today in the presence of the Lord our God but also with those who are not here today.” (NIV)
Exodus 3:5,"Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." (NIV)
Acts 7:33, "Then the Lord said to him, 'Take off your sandals; the place where you are standing is holy ground." (NIV)
Zechariah 3: 4, “The angel said to those who were standing before him, 'Take off his filthy clothes.' Then he said to Joshua, 'See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you.'" (NIV)

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