
The Snow Girl Princess

by Van Walton February 27, 2007
“God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them…God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!” Genesis 1:27 & 31 (MSG)


My best four-year-old girlfriend and I like spending time together, so we grab every opportunity to hang out. Recently she spent the afternoon with me so I made a plan. Knowing that little girls enjoy simple crafts and lots of attention, I decided we would get creative and make snowmen. Instead of going outside to play in the snow, we sat in the warm house, looked out the window, and created a snowman family while sitting on the cozy rug in the den.
Rather than pack snow, we used white socks, batting, ribbon, markers, shiny sequins, and glass beads. I held open the sock and Morgan stuffed. I twisted and she pulled the top of the sock inside out, down over the “head.” I measured the yarn and she cut. While she held the stuffed sock, I wrapped the yarn around the “neck” and tied the “scarf.” She chose colorful shiny objects and I sewed on the sparkly sequins for eyes and buttons. Slowly, the figure took shape. Finally Morgan finished the project by drawing an orange “carrot” for a nose. Holding up the cute craft, we both exclaimed, “It’s finished!”
We smiled at each other and turned the little snow man around and around, admiring the work of our hands. Immediately we decided that the “man” was a girl. Then we realized that all the dazzle of the added accessories really made our creation look more like a princess. We renamed our project. We didn’t have a snowman. We had a snow girl princess.
Morgan hugged her new “friend” and kissed her. “She’s beautiful! I love her.” Then my little charge marched off proudly to show off her snow girl princess. First she took her to my husband. She couldn’t wait for him to divert his attention from the football game. She stuck the new toy in his face. “Look what I made.” When she returned to me she announced she was going to take the snow girl to school to show her to her classmates. She spoke to her new creation, “Everyone will want one just like you.” Then Morgan made a bold announcement. “I’m going to show you to Mommy.”
I thought to myself. “How silly that a grown woman and a little girl are all gaga over a simple little sock figure.” But then I remember that God fashioned Eve and presented her to Adam, and Adam was impressed.
God doesn’t have any problem admiring His creation or showing off. He brags about what He has made (Job 38-41), holds us close (Psalm 91), desires to live among us (Exodus 29: 46), blesses us (Genesis 1:28), loves us and even sacrificed Himself for us (John 3:16)!
Yet I struggle to accept that God loves me. It is hard to believe … what’s to love?
Then I watch Morgan delighting in her snow girl doll. I don’t understand. It’s nothing, lifeless, non-responsive, and insignificant.
Slowly, God uses this experience to teach me the truth of creation and it begins to sink into the depths of my soul. When God fashioned me, the Bible says He breathed His spirit into me. (Genesis 1:7). He loves me because a part of Him is in me.
I am not a quick learner. It takes many lessons to teach me; so once again, I think I understand God’s love for Morgan, you, and me. If two girlfriends can fall in love with a stuffed sock they created, doesn’t it stand to reason that God can fall in love with a woman made in His image?
Dear Lord, Your love for me is overwhelming. You allow me to create something and then feel emotion for that which I have created. Thank You for the lessons. Thank You for loving even me. I praise You in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Related Resources:

Who Holds the Key to Your Heart? by Lysa TerKeurst
Do you know Him?
Application Steps:Find the verses mentioned the 6th paragraph and read them. Keep doing so until you believe the truth about God’s nature and His Word.
Ask God to reveal His love for you.
Read the book of Hosea in the Old Testament.
Reflections:Why do I reject God’s love for me? Is it possible that something in my life is preventing me from facing Him?
Do I need to repent of a past sin?
Do I need to forgive someone?
Do I need to step out in faith and obey God?

Power Verses:

Isaiah 40:11 b, “He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart...” (NLT)
Ephesians 3:17a, “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.” (NLT)
Ephesians 3:17b; 18-19, “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (NIV)

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