
Wonderful Counselor

by Melanie Chitwood January 28, 2008
“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6b (NIV)

The past year has brought many unexpected challenges in my life, mostly in the form of stress over various relationships. These concerns wake me up early in the morning to pray, and they’ve led me to be increasingly dependent on God.

One morning as I was reading my Bible, God reminded me that I am not alone and I do not face these challenges on my own. I’ve known this for many years, but this morning God moved that truth from my head to my heart with the words from today’s key verse.

Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. Have you ever paused to dwell on those words? Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. When I don’t know how to be a mother to my newly turned teenage son, Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. When I don’t know how to comfort my relatives going through a hard time in their marriage, Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor. When I want to offer wise counsel to my friend whose life seems to be coming apart, Jesus is my Wonderful Counselor.

As I looked at the other names of Jesus, I was reminded of what kind of Counselor He is. He is our Mighty God – God’s strength surpasses any attacks the world brings. He is our Everlasting Father – His love and strength are eternal. And He is our Prince of Peace – He calms our fears and worries when we hand them over to Him.

Do you know Jesus as your Wonderful Counselor? Whatever concerns or challenges you face today, you can take them to Jesus.

Have you asked Him into your heart and are you sure that you are a child of God? If not, click on the “Do you know Him” link below, and ask Jesus to be your Wonderful Counselor today. He loves you and can’t wait to be there for you now and always.

And if you already know Jesus as Savior, have you trusted Him to be Wonderful Counselor as well?


Related Resources:

Do You Know Him?

NIV Women’s Devotional Bible

What a Husband Needs from His Wife, by Melanie Chitwood

Loving God with All Your Heart – Encouragement for Your Everyday Life

Application Steps:

Whatever is worrying you or weighing on your heart, right now shift that burden to the Lord by praying. Ask Your Wonderful Counselor for His advice and be ready to act on His leading.

Dwell on the names of Jesus in today’s verse: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Are you being self-reliant or relying on God?

Are there situations you need to pray about? Do you need to let go of trying to solve these problems?

Power Verses:

1 John 3:1a, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! “ (NIV)

Matthew 28:20b, “’…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’” (NAS)

Psalm 100:5, “For the Lord is good, His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” (NAS)

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