
God Can Handle Even My Greatest Fears, Part 2

by Lysa TerKeurst March 13, 2008
"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:10 (NIV)

Do you ever fear something happening to one of your children? I think most of us moms do. I have learned to make a choice to get intentional when I feel fear creeping into my heart. I pray. I read God’s truths. I verbalize my trust in Him. And I make the choice to walk in assurance.

Does it mean that nothing bad will ever happen to my children? No. Does it mean that my heart can finally find peace past the fears that could consume me? Yes.

The next time you find yourself being pulled into fear, try these steps:

Pray -

We should pray honestly to God telling Him what we are afraid of and asking Him to help us not live in this fear. I ask Him for His protection over whatever I fear. But I also ask God to fill my heart with the rich blessing of His perspective so that no matter what, I will be reassured.

Read God’s Truths -

Matthew 18:10 is a really amazing verse: "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."

Do children really have guardian angels? I was always hesitant to think this because it seemed mystical and new age-ish. But here it is in God’s Word! Not only do my children have a guardian angel that has direct access to God but because I am a child of God, I must have one as well! Think about this for a minute. God has assigned an angel to guard over our children and us every minute of every day. And there is never a second where God does not know what is going on with us. Knowing this, we are ready for what we must do next.

Verbalize My Trust in Him -

Isaiah 54:10 (written below) reminds us that God’s love is too pure not to have our best interest in mind. Pause for a minute and let’s state that profound truth again. God’s love for my children, my husband, my family, my friends, and me is too pure not to have our best interest in mind. If I really believed this with all my heart, I could completely trust God.

That’s how we can process the fact that bad things sometimes do happen and still trust. I think we struggle at not fully trusting God because we know the realities of this world. Parents trust God and children still go missing, choke, get cancer, and die in car accidents. This is hard to reconcile apart from understanding God’s love.

God’s love is complete and able to transcend the here and now. God sees an eternal picture that we’ll never understand on this side of eternity. God is all-knowing and fully compassionate. Therefore, we can trust that even when the outcome seems tragic to us, it is still in the best interest of the one He loves. I’m convinced He allows one thing, to save that person from that which is so much worse.

Knowing this, I can say aloud, “God You are bigger than my fears. And no matter what I will continue to trust You and Your perfect plan. Therefore I make the choice to reject the paralyzing feeling of fear so I can walk confidently in the truth of Your assurance.”

Walk in Assurance -

When I look back on a tragedy my family faced, I can now trace God’s goodness through it. And amazingly, it is well with my soul. Through it all God has brought me to a sweet place of intimacy with Jesus that I would not want to trade. Though the circumstances of my childhood were rotten, God’s plan throughout my childhood was good and perfect. I see that now and my trust in Him grows stronger still.

I can now face every one of my fears with a newfound confidence. While I can’t control the events of my life, I can rest assured in God’s amazing love for me and my loved ones. So even when I face times I don’t understand His hand, I can always trust His heart.

Dear Lord, help me find that peaceful trust in You. Assure me of Your love. Reveal Your goodness in every situation. Give me just enough wisdom to process all that I must face and just enough perspective to keep my mind fixed on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Visit Lysa’s Blog for more encouragement on finding peace past our fears

Order Lysa’s CD message on this topic, “Fear-LESS, Thank-FULL.”

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst

Application Steps:

Go through the Bible and write out verses where God talks about His love for His people. Write in your name and the names of those you love. Believe theses verses as absolute truths that transform our thinking and solidify our trust in God.


Think back on God’s hand of faithfulness in your life. Write out some ways that God has brought good even out of very hard situations. How have you grown closer to the Lord through these times?

Power Verses:

Psalm 36:5, “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” (NIV)

Isaiah 54:10, “‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” (NIV)

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