
Marriage Storms

by Melanie Chitwood April 14, 2008
“O taste and see that the Lord is good!” Psalm 34:8 (NAS).

During my husband Scott’s early piloting days, he rented a Cessna and flew me to Memphis to visit my sister. I was excited to fly in such a small plane and to have my very own husband as the pilot! While we were there, the weather took a turn for the worse and a winter storm was unexpectedly on its way. Scott was a novice pilot, and I could tell that the prospects of ice or snow were making him pretty scared. He called his flight instructor several times for advice-which made me quite nervous! That night neither of us slept well, as we worried about flight conditions the next day.
We woke up at 4 a.m. to go the airport. As Scott readied the plane, I noticed how worried he seemed, so I tried not to aggravate him with unnecessary questions, such as, Are we going to crash and die? I remember thinking that if something did happen in this winter storm, at least I’d be where I wanted to be-right next to my husband.
That’s the way I want to feel during the “storms” in our marriage as well. I’ve witnessed time and time again that God can use the storms in our marriage to draw my husband and I closer together. At times, the most rewarding closeness between us has followed a relational “storm.” God uses the trials in my marriage to bring my husband and I closer together and also closer to Him, both individually and as a couple.
I entered into marriage with my own ideas of how living happily-ever-after would go, and it didn’t include storms. But I’ve found that sometimes happily-ever-after exists on the other side of some hardships. Times of brokenness in our marriage can be the very experiences that shape us and lead us to enjoy sweet fellowship with the Lord and with each other.
Dear Lord, We know that in our marriage we will face storms. Lord, I pray that the storms will draw us together, not divide us. I pray that in during any hardships, challenges, or stress that we face individually or as a couple, that we will come out the other side closer to one another and closer to You. Help us not to be anxious or fearful during a storm. Instead, let us stand firmly on Our Rock, with You, Lord, as our firm foundation. Let us have peace that passes human understanding, as we draw on Your supernatural strength. We know that You can bring good out of horrible situation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

What a Husband Needs from His Wife by Melanie Chitwood
Appreciating Your Differences, Online Article by Paula Friedrichsen
The Man You Always Wanted is the One You Already Have by Paula Friedrichsen
Do You Know Jesus?
Application Steps: Make a list of specific actions you can take to “taste” the goodness of God during a marriage storm. Be sure to apply one to today’s storm or to remember them for future storms.
Seek out a Christian counselor or a Christian couple to help you during the storm you’re facing.
Reflections: During stressful times, do you and your husband stand strongly together, or do you tend to turn against one another?
In one of the power verses, we’re told to be thankful in all circumstances. How does this differ from being thankful for all circumstances?

Power Verses:

Matthew 19:26, “…Jesus said to them, ‘With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (NAS)
1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (NLT)

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