
He Prays For Me!

by Lisa Jones September 8, 2008
“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” Luke 22:31-32 (NKJV)

One time while I was going through a serious trial in my life, I felt as if I were all alone. I felt discouraged and powerless. I would spend hours every day in prayer for everyone else and their situations, asking God to intervene on their behalf, and yet I wondered who was praying for me. Was there anyone out there who cared enough about me and my suffering to bring it before God and beg Him to touch my life? Was there anyone who shared with the Lord that I was hurting? Shortly after that God encouraged me through His Word, and through today’s verse, that His Son Jesus does care for me and prays for me faithfully.
I wonder what would have happened to Peter after he denied Christ if Jesus had not previously prayed for him? Would he have turned to the world, denying Jesus for eternity? Only God knows the answer. But the good news is God would not have it happen. Instead, God heard the prayers of Jesus for Peter. Therefore, after denying the Lord three times, Peter wept, repented, and drew near to God.
Jesus prays for me as well. He intercedes on my behalf. He knows what is set before me and desires that my faith in Him will not fail. He prays that I will have the strength to keep my eyes on Him, never straying too far behind, and that I will stay close to His side.
Jesus is my prayer partner. I am indebted to the Lord for He is at all times working on my behalf. He is my High Priest, mediating between me and God. Because of Jesus, I am made strong when I am weak. Because of Jesus’ faithfulness to me, I have experienced what joy feels like!
Jesus prays for you as well. He understands that Satan wishes to sift you like wheat. Do not despair, Jesus has prayed for you! He desires to wipe the tears from your cheek and replace it with the joy that faithfulness brings. When you feel all alone and like the world has forgotten you, when you feel as if you can continue no longer, do not fret-the Savior is there praying for you! His Father always hears his prayers. They will strengthen you, and then in turn you can help strengthen others.
Dear Lord, sometimes I feel all alone and weary, as if I have no strength left within me. Yet, I will seek You in prayer. I will make my request before You, for I know You are there for me and interceding on my behalf. You know what is before me and what I need. Give me strength when it feels as if Satan is trying to sift me like wheat. Create within my heart faithfulness and steadfastness. Thank You for praying for me, taking my request to the Father so, through You, I may gain strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Do You Know Him?
31 Days of Prayer by Ruth Myers
Dear Jesus by Sarah Young
Listen to Today’s P31 Radio Show
Application Steps:Consider your personal prayer time with the Savior. Are you spending time daily with Jesus building your relationship with Him? If not, set time aside each day to talk with the Lord.
Continue in God’s Word, seeking out His wisdom so that when the storms of life come along you will stand strong in the confidence that you are not alone! Christ is there for you and will pray that your faith will not fail!
Reflections:Am I coming before God boldly in prayer, making my requests known unto Him?
If not, what is keeping me from coming to the throne of grace?
Where do I seek out strength - in my own flawed self, or in the mighty strength of Christ?

Power Verses:

Hebrews 7:25, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (NKJV)

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