
You’re a Can Do Kid!

by Renee Swope January 7, 2009
<“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

“I can’t!” My four-year-old shouted as tears streamed down his cheeks. Joshua, his older brother, was trying to teach him how to use the Etch A Sketch,® but Andrew gave up before he even touched the little white knobs.
“I can’t” had become Andrew’s favorite phrase.
“I can’ t,” he cried when I encouraged him to put his face in the water at the pool that afternoon.
“I can’t,” he muttered, when I asked him to tell me the first letter in the word apple.
As I watched him sit in defeat, I thought to myself, “I can’t take it anymore!”
Life with a child who is afraid to try new things can be very difficult. Frustration had been creeping into my heart all day because I didn’t know how to help Andrew overcome his fears. So I stopped what I was doing and asked God to show me how to help my little boy.
I thought back on our week and remembered how Andrew had given up most easily when trying things his big brother could do well. Then I remembered an article I’d read about helping children become “can-do kids.” I felt like God reminded me of that because He specializes in helping His children become can-do kids, and that’s what He wanted me to do for mine. I remembered Gideon, a man God called a “mighty warrior” even while he was acting like a wimp. I thought about when Jesus called Peter a rock, although he acted more like shifting sand. But over time, both of these men became who God called them to be. And my son could, too!
I bent down and looked into Andrew’s tear-filled eyes and announced, “Andrew, from this moment foward you are my ‘CAN DO KID’. There are so many things you can do. The Bible says you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.”
It was time for dinner so I told Andrew we were going to set the table together. I handed him the forks and showed him where each one went. I gave him one plate and cup at a time and watched him complete each setting. Once he finished, Andrew looked at me and proudly said, “Mommy, I can do it!” And from that day forward he called himself the “can-do” kid!
Our kids need us to believe in them and show it through our words and actions. I was so grateful God gave me such a powerful lesson and promise from His Word to pass on to my child in the midst of a challenging parenting moment. It changed Andrew’s perspective and mine, too.
God wants you to know that you are His can-do kid! You can do whatever He’s calling you to do today, because He believes in you and He’s with you! He wants to pass that truth on through you, and use you to help your child know that they’re a CAN-DO kid, who can do all things through Him who gives us strength!
Dear Lord, help me see beyond who my child is to who he can become in Christ. Show me if there are areas in his life where he is comparing himself to others. Help me notice and nurture his personal strengths and remind him that he can do all things through Christ. I pray you would open the eyes of my heart to learn Your truths in my everyday life and pass them onto my children. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child: Character Chart and Message on CD by Renee Swope. Positive and practical ways to connect spiritually with your kids.
Visit Renee’s Blog for practical ways to raise “can-do” kids! Also, sign up to win some great give-aways for moms this month!
The D6 Conference – helping parents and churches raise spiritual champions!
Application Steps:-Think of your child (or someone you know) who needs you to believe in them.
-Show them your confidence by trusting them with an assignment or special task.-Give them encouragement through a letter, phone call, card or email.
Reflections:Read Judges 6:11-16, and notice how God used words of encouragement to help Gideon. When your child gets fearful, instead of being critical, look for ways to be creative. Click here for a list of promises God gave to Gideon that you can offer to your children.

Power Verses:

Isaiah 43:1b, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” (NKJV)
Judges 6:12, “When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior." (NIV)
© 2009, Renee Swope. All rights reserved.

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