
God's Lifeboat

by Micca Campbell June 5, 2009
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Luke 19:10 (NIV)

I recall the first time my youngest son, Parker, water-skied. He was having a great time while he was being pulled along by the boat. When he fell and let go of the rope, the connection to the boat was broken. Panic gripped his face as he watched the boat leave him behind. Dangling in unknown waters filled Parker with a sense of uncertainty. Anxious thoughts plagued his mind as he wondered whether or not his lifejacket was trustworthy.

It was only when the boat turned around and headed back in his direction that peace took hold again. When we pulled Parker back into the boat, he said with relief, "I didn't think anyone saw me fall. I thought you were gone for good." This is the kind of fright and worry we live with when we are not connected to God. We know that we can only tread water for so long on our own without the security of a boat.

The cross of Christ is our lifeboat that saves us from drowning in a sea of sin and selfishness. Christ's work on the cross has mended the partnership between God and us. However, some people don't realize that life is a partnership with God. Because sin separates us from God, the anxieties and burdens in life weigh heavy on our souls. Until we learn to trust Christ's provision, we'll never find peace. In fact, anyone living apart from God can expect to be plagued by phobias, fears, and anxieties. Until a person is reconciled to God, they are unpredictable and anxious creatures. Like Parker, their greatest need is a lifeboat.

Fearless living is achieved by making the choice to partner with God. Only then will our faith become stronger than all our fears. If you and I want to be rid of worry, we must first stop trusting in the things of this world. Instead, we must learn to put the weight of our burdens and cares on Christ who died for us.

Secondly, we need to refocus. Self-centeredness breeds anxiety. In truth, worry and stress are really symptoms of self-sufficiency and a lack of trust in God. When we take the focus off of ourselves and place it on God, it makes all the difference. Our troubles look small in comparison to our great God.

Finally, we must commit ourselves wholly to God. The Bible says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23, NIV). That means that you and I have missed the mark. We can't get to God any other way except through His Son, Jesus. Whoever wants Christ, and believes He is the Son of God, has been given the full benefit of being God's child.

The truly happy person is the one who has placed her trust in Christ alone for salvation. She has discovered that Christ's saving grace is the solution to sin, egotism, waywardness, and fears. You can see a profound difference in the person who chooses Christ as her lifeboat. Anxiety dissolves away and peace rules the heart and mind.

Dear Lord, I am a sinner. I believe You died for me and rose from the grave to purchase a place for me in Heaven. Lord, Jesus, come into my life and take control. Forgive all my sin and save me. I'm placing my trust in You alone. Thank you, Lord, for saving me, forgiving me, and filling me with Your peace. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Do You Know Him?

An Untroubled Heart: Finding Faith that is Stronger than My Fears by Micca Campbell

Come Along: The Journey into a More Intimate Faith by Jane Rubietta

Visit Micca’s blog

Application Steps:

If you are full of worry and apprehension, then it may be that you have not fully given every area of your life to God. You can do so right now! All you have to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner and have been living a life separated from God, seeking your own will instead of His will. By using the prayer above as a guide, you can refuse your sins and commit your life totally to God.

Reflections: Worry and stress are really symptoms of self-sufficiency and a lack of trust in God. Do you agree—why or why not?

Do you sense God inviting you to trust Him as your Savior today? Will you say "Yes?"

Power Verses:

John 1:12, "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (NIV)

Romans 10:10, "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." (NIV)

© 2009 by Micca Campbell. All rights reserved.

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