
Make Room for What You Love

by Melissa Michaels June 16, 2016
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

As a young newlywed, I'll admit oneof myworries was kind of ridiculous. Don't laugh, butmy fear was thatparamedics or firemen or neighbors wouldshowup at mydoor without fair warning.

Not that I feared the help or the friendly visit. Rather, I was worried I wouldn't beprepared.I wanted to have atleast a moment's notice to clear the clutter and put my lipstick on before I had to swing open the door.

I was often frustrated because I couldn't make our home thesanctuary I wanted it to be. Since home iswhere we do the holy work of loving Godand caring for our people, it shouldfeel likea place of refuge and safety, a place of peace.

But so oftenI just feltoverwhelmed. The daily dishes, clutter, responsibilities, busy schedule and the desire for order - mixed withthe resulting chaos of having no cluehow to manage it all - weighed on me.

I couldn't seem to getmyselforganized, let alone organize myhome or manage anyone else. Sometimes it felt like my shining accomplishment when my kids were little was getting everyone out the door with pants on! It was all too much: the piles, the clutter, the dishes, everything.

Considering my fear of being unprepared to answer the door, imagine the night I asked my husband to call 911 because I thought I was dying. I felt like theroom was closing in on me and I couldn't breathe. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to calm myself downwhile we waited for help. Who had time to prepare or put on lipstick? Not me!

I'm relievedto say I lived (and, ironically, the paramedics didn't care about the clutteror the lack of lipstick). Panic attacksare no joke, but the good news is I learned something from that stressful time.God reassured me He didn't needme to manageeverything, just what He's called me to do.

Part of that faithfulness was me learning to let go of things thatadded unnecessary stress or chaosin my life and home. I got serious about clearing out theclutter so I could create a more peaceful sanctuary. Out wentthe stuff that overwhelmed me: the busyness, the hurry, distractionsoridleness, disorganization, perfectionism or any other roadblocks to peace.

Thank goodness perfection isn't the goal! Different seasons of life bring change to our home, and change brings the need for continual refinement. Loving people well is messy business! God gives usgrace when we open the door to welcome people, whether we feelfully prepared or not. As today's key verse reminds us, God offersmercy in our weakness and strength for our weariness.

Disorder in our home life brings so much stress because we try to hang on to more than we can handle.

I learned that I find more peace when I let go of the clutter and focus on the joy of being a faithful steward of the life and home God gave me.

Dear Lord, help me to place mytrust in You even at times wheneverything around me feels out of control. Help meto let go of whatclutters my perspective so I can find joy in creating a sanctuary. In Jesus' Name, Amen.



Colossians 3:23-24, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." (NIV)

Proverbs 24:3-4, "By wisdom a house is built,and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." (NIV)


Start letting go of clutter to create a peaceful sanctuary for the people you love. In Melissa Michaels' new book,Make Room for What You Love,you'll finda fresh perspectivefor your home andsimple ways to declutter what weighs you down.

Find a plan to jump-start your progress with the Make Room Challenge. You can also getinspired withpracticalideas for beautifying and organizing your home at Melissa Michaels' award-winning home decor blog,The Inspired Room.

Enter to WIN a copy of Make Room for What You Love by Melissa Michaels. In celebration of this book, Melissa's publisher is giving away 5 copies! Enter to win byleaving a comment here. {We'll randomly select 5 winners and email notifications to each one, by Monday, June 20.}


What areas of your home or life feeloverwhelmedby clutter and stress?Ask God to help you simplify. Let go of what you don't need, so you cancreate a more peaceful sanctuary for your family and the people He brings across your doorstep.

© 2016 by Melissa Michaels. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries thanks Harvest House for their sponsorship of today's devotion.

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