Alice Matagora lives in Southern California with her husband RJ, her children Regi and Clementine, and her Daisy dog. In her free time she enjoys sleeping, eating delicious food, trying new delicious food, being in nature, throwing sticks and rocks in the creek with her son, silly dancing in the kitchen with her little family, working out, and nerdery (Lord of the Rings is her main jam, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, etc.).
Alice has worked with The Navigators in disciplemaking ministry for nearly 20 years, with experience in college ministry and cultural competency training. She is currently leading a Leader Development Initiative in The Navigators that develops leaders all over the world. She is also a licensed marriage and family therapist. Combining all of her professional experience and her passion for disciplemaking, Alice's book How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple, featuring original Barna research, seeks to equip and empower everyday people to make disciples of Jesus wherever they live, work, and play.
With two young children in this season of life, Alice is a naptime writer and storyteller. She invites others to find the beauty in the broken and hope in God as she shares her story about God's redemption in the midst of the brokenness in her own life - in infertility, grief and loss, mental health struggles, childhood trauma, generational trauma, racial and ethnic identity, and marriage.
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