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Glynnis Whitwer is on staff with Proverbs 31 Ministries as the executive director of communications, and provides oversight for Encouragement for Today devotions, COMPEL Training and the content for She Speaks and other training conferences. She is the author of Doing Busy Better, Taming Your To-Do List, I Used to be So Organized and When Your Child is Hurting. She is also co-author of Everyday Confetti with Karen Ehman, and a Bible studies series entitled Kingdom Living.
Glynnis has a degree in Journalism and Public Relations from Arizona State University and worked as a PR writer before joining Proverbs 31 Ministries in 1998. Glynnis and her husband Tod live in Phoenix, Ariz. They have five young adult children, a daugher-in-law they adore, and two delightful grandchildren.
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