Grace Valentine is an author, blogger, podcast host and speaker. Her readers love the fact that she is young, ordinary and relatable; they say her fresh voice helps them navigate their own faith and life. Grace’s mission is to show others that Christianity is not lame — it is an adventure worth living. She has written three books, Am I Enough?, Is It Just Me?, and her latest release, a book on nine women of the Bible, titled, What Will They Think?
Grace grew up near New Orleans, Louisiana, in a suburban town called Mandeville. She graduated from Baylor University in 2018 with a degree in journalism. She currently resides in Orlando, Florida, where she enjoys going on runs and eating lots of sushi. You can find Grace on Instagram @thegracevalentine; her podcast, Water Into Wine; Twitter @GraceV96; or her website, Grace loves connecting with her readers, so send her a message!
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