Beautiful Truths To Remember: 20 Scriptures to Hold Onto When You’re Still Hurting

When unexpected hurt shatters the way we thought our life would be today, we can easily start to become guarded with others and skeptical of God.
But friend, right now, in the middle of what’s breaking your heart, that aching pain you feel — it’s actually proof there’s a beautiful remaking in progress.
In this resource, Beautiful Truths To Remember: 20 Scriptures to Hold Onto When You’re Still Hurting by Lysa TerKeurst, you will be equipped to:
  • Disempower the lie that how you feel about your life is the full story by remembering with God there’s always something more true, lovely and good right now.
  • Stop carrying the heaviness of your past by embracing the truth of 20 powerful scriptures handpicked for hurtful times and heartbreaking situations.
  • Find biblical comfort and direction no matter what you’re facing with a go-to resource you can use at any time.

Know the Truth. Live the Truth. It changes everything.


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