“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11(NIV)
When I was young, I would lie under the Christmas tree every night just before bed time watching the lights dance over the ornaments. I loved how the smell of the tree gently hung in the air of our tiny living room. My dad and I used to sing along with Bing Crosby, and my mom would let me watch as she baked baklava (our family’s version of Christmas cookies). Now I’m aware that times were simpler then and I was a just child, but these traditions always seemed to usher in a peaceful holiday season for my family.
Today I’m so weary of commercialism and the fast pace of Christmas; the entire holiday season seems to come and go before I ever have time to enjoy the “reason for the season.” Maybe it’s just my age talking, but I’m longing to experience a little “peace” of Christmas like I used to - but making that a reality in the midst of family and work obligations seems an impossible task.
As I was pondering this dilemma, I re-read this verse in Luke and paid close attention to the word “today.” That’s it! The answer to my desire for a little “peace of Christmas” is in that one word.
Today I will commit everything I do to my sweet Jesus. Today I’ll sing every Christmas carol at the top of my voice for His glory. Today I’ll honor Christ as I decorate our home by placing a nativity set in my Christmas tree. Today this nativity will serve as a reminder that He was born in order to die on a tree so that I could experience His peace not only at Christmas, but every day. Today I’ll bake baklava and share it with the new neighbors as a way to extend the grace Christ has given me. Today I’ll call someone who is lonely and hurting and offer my shoulder for his or her tears. Thank you Lord, for You’ve shown me the way to experience that little “peace of Christmas” my heart has been longing for. That peace begins today.
If you’re longing to experience a little peace of Christmas but are wondering if it’s possible, let me encourage you to just begin with today. Begin with a fresh commitment to fulfill all of your responsibilities and obligations for the glory of the Lord. Bake each cookie or wrap each gift as if you were presenting it to your sweet Jesus personally. Sing every song you hear on the radio, and decorate each corner of your home as if Christ Himself were your honored guest because He is the unseen honored guest of your today, tomorrow and forever. Love Him now, worship Him now, and then experience a little “peace of Christmas” of your very own.
Dear Lord, I want to pause during this busy but joyous season to give You the honor and glory You deserve. Help me to remember as I celebrate Your birth that Your greatest gift to me was your very life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas by Sharon Jaynes
Unwrapping His Presence, a Christmas message on CD
Zoe's blog
Application Steps
Ask the Lord to identify the activities He would have you be involved in this holy season and be willing to say “no” as the Lord leads.
What steps can you take to make a little “peace of Christmas” a reality for you and your family today?
Look at your schedule for today. Have you carved out any time for Christ, the honored guest?
Who are you trying to please?
Are you standing in the way of experiencing a little “peace of Christmas”?
Power Verses
Psalm 147:14, “He grants peace to your borders and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.” (NIV)
Proverbs 17:1, “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.” (NIV)
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