

Crying Over Answered Prayers

Suzie Eller

March 21, 2017

“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.’” Exodus 14:15 (NIV)

I pulled out an old prayer journal and there it was, written in my handwriting. It was a prayer request I had prayed for years.

The words blurred as I traced them, tears falling.

The answer to this prayer was in the process of unfolding. Good news, right? Except, five minutes earlier, I was worrying because it felt so big. That morning I questioned my husband like a lead investigator:

Are you sure we can do this?

Are we making the right decision?

I peppered him with questions, trying to iron out every single detail even though we were in the beginning stages. In the night, when I should have been sleeping, I crunched numbers in my head.

It was exhausting.

Seeing my prayer request in the journal reminded me I had asked God for this very thing, and He was graciously opening the door. Rather than rejoicing, I was fretting.

In today’s passage, Moses is leading the Israelites out of Egypt after centuries of slavery. They were at the mercy of their captors and worked endless hours making bricks from straw. Generations had prayed for freedom, and the answer had come! Thousands left Egypt and headed for the Promised Land. Not too far into their journey, Pharaoh sent his men after them and the Israelites panicked.

They started to complain. They cried out to Moses.

“They said to Moses, ‘Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?’” (Exodus 14:11)

They were so focused on the obstacles, that they forgot how many times they’d asked God to release them from slavery. And now — on the brink of stepping out of Egypt completely free for the first time in generations — they complained. After listening to their murmuring, Moses petitioned God on their behalf.

God responded instantly: “Tell the Israelites to move on” (Exodus 14:15b).

As I traced the faded prayer request with my fingers, I admit I was so fixated on the obstacles that I was a little stuck.

Keep moving, Suzie.

Rarely does answered prayer mean it’s smooth sailing all the way.

We pray for that prodigal child to come home, and they do. Yet there’s work to be done in the relationship.

We pray for God to help us achieve a dream. He does, and it’s more difficult than we imagined.

We pray for a promotion, and there’s a learning curve.

Move on. Keep going.

He answered our prayers, and He’ll be with us every step of the way. We can get caught up in the challenges, or celebrate where God is taking us.

I pulled out that old journal and wrote a date beside my prayer request — along with the word “answered.”

Then I listed the hurdles God had demolished in this answered prayer. As I read them, my attitude completely shifted. The obstacles were there, yes, but so was God.

I closed my journal and lifted my hands to thank Him. It was time to stop crying over answered prayers, rejoice and move on.

Heavenly Father, I have been so focused on the obstacles that I lost sight of what You did for me. Thank You for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Psalm 78:42, “They did not remember his power — the day he redeemed them from the oppressor.” (NIV)


In Suzie Eller’s book, Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads, you’ll discover the power of revolutionary prayer.


Join Suzie on her blog for a giveaway of her book, Come With Me.


Go back to that moment you first prayed your request. Settle there for a moment. Recall how you felt as you asked God for His help. Celebrate your answered prayer.

© 2017 by Suzie Eller. All rights reserved.

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