

Stability for the Weak and Weary

Beth Knight
COMPEL Training Member

June 21, 2021

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“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 (ESV)

You would think a 300-pound boulder would provide the stability you need when you find yourself slipping. Unfortunately, a fellow hiker at Camelback Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, found out otherwise when his trust betrayed him.

Instead of supplying support, the boulder rolled on top of him, crushing his legs underneath. As I watched the rescue helicopter fly the injured hiker to a nearby hospital, I shuddered to think of how easily it could have been me.

Later, I realized the same thing does happen to me in my walk with Christ. Just like the 300-pound boulder appeared to be secure, I often think the things of this world will provide the stability I desire. How many times have I lost my sure footing on the path set before me and found myself tempted to grab onto sin to steady me? In the end, I always find myself trapped underneath the weight of my sin.

Over the years, I have noticed where the breakdown happens for me: when I am called out of my comfort zone. As I walk with Christ, I am called to new and challenging endeavors to bring glory to His name. I tilt my head back to consider the incline ahead of me, recognizing I will face unknown obstacles along the way. Clinging to my faith, I utter an enthusiastic and slightly terrified, “Yes, Lord!”

But then … I am faced with adversity. What at first seemed difficult, but doable, now seems impossible. The climb becomes more treacherous and taxing as unforeseen hardships are thrown underfoot. When I am caught off guard, I find myself slipping into insecurity, doubt and fear. I begin to wonder, as the Israelites did, “God, did You bring me out here to die?” I am left with a choice: hold fast to my faith or waver toward sin.

An anxious and insecure heart demands relief and demands it now! However, works will not save us; approval from the world will not secure us, and finding comfort in addiction or endless distraction will not stabilize us. In fact, dependence on anything other than Christ will crush us under a weight we were never meant to carry.

The good news, though, is tucked into our key verse: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23). When God calls us out of our comfort zone, He is faithful to do what He promises. Will we hold fast to the confession of our hope, trusting that He who promised is faithful? Or will we waver in our faith, tempted away by sin?

I have learned the hard way that sin overpromises and underprovides. For a moment, we may find respite, but sin never permanently provides the stability we need. So, instead of grabbing onto sin, let us hold fast to our Savior. He will fulfill every promise made!

Sweet friends, as we long for relief, the ache within our soul is difficult to endure. I pray our weary souls would rest in Christ, knowing His right hand is upholding us. (Psalm 63:8) May we endure treacherous paths with hope as we look up from bent and battered knees and say, “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” (Psalm 130:5, ESV).

Oh Lord, I am weak. I am weary. Help me remember from where my hope truly comes. By Your grace, keep me from misplacing my faith in worldly things for support. Strengthen me to endure hardship with confidence, knowing every promise You made will come true. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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Psalm 94:18-19, “When I thought, ‘My foot slips,’ your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” (ESV)

Lamentations 3:24, “‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” (ESV)

What sin are you tempted to grab onto for support when life gets tough? How have you personally experienced God’s faithfulness in the past, and how might it help you hold fast to the Savior today? Share with us in the comments!

© 2021 by Beth Knight. All rights reserved.

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