

God Holds Your Hand

Grace Fox

November 30, 2022

Este devocional está disponible en español
“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

My husband and I took our 18-month-old granddaughter, Lexi, to the zoo. Carefree and happy for independence, she toddled between us on the wide, paved path. All went well until the zoo’s mini train approached and the engineer clanged its brass bell.

The noise startled Lexi, and she instinctively grabbed for my hand.

She relaxed the moment I responded. She felt safe with Grandma’s hand holding hers.

Sometimes my hands struggle just to open a pickle jar, but God’s hands can do anything. His are the hands that reach for ours when we’re exhausted or worried or scared. With His hand clasping ours, we can trust and choose not to be afraid.

The Lord knows His children are often easily frightened, so He reassures us of His presence and says He holds our hands: “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).

The magnitude of this promise boggles my mind! Ponder it with me, will you?

God’s mighty hands shaped the universe. (Psalm 19:1) When He cups His hands, they hold the oceans. When He opens His hands, they measure the heavens’ expanse. They carry the dust of the earth in a basket and weigh the mountains on a scale. (Isaiah 40:12)

God’s “mighty hand” led the Israelites from Egypt into the promised land (Jeremiah 32:21, NIV). His hand protected the Israelites, quenched their thirst with water from a rock, satisfied their hunger with bread from heaven and clothed them with a wardrobe that never wore out. (Deuteronomy 8:15-16; Deuteronomy 29:5)

The hands that defended and provided for the Israelites all those years ago never grow old or feeble. (Hebrews 13:8) They still defend and equip God’s children with everything we need, both basic and big. There’s nothing God cannot do on our behalf; therefore, we can trust and choose not to be afraid. But wait — this good news gets even better.

God’s mighty hands became flesh and were nailed to the cross on our behalf. (John 20:27) He could have crushed Calvary’s cross between thumb and forefinger. He could have snapped its wooden beams like a toothpick, but He chose instead to spread His hands on that cross to prove His love for us.

Life’s journey brings unexpected detours and unwelcome delays. It leads us through dark valleys and deep ravines where the shadows of fear and discouragement fall on us. But in the midst of it all, my sweet friend, God’s nail-scarred hands embrace ours. He’s with us, and we are safe.

Let’s choose to live from this truth. It gives us fresh hope and courage to face whatever today brings.

We’re in good hands when we’re in God’s hands.

Almighty God, thank You for holding our hands. Remind us of this truth when we feel afraid, discouraged or too weary to take another step. Grant us fresh hope for today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


In her new book, Fresh Hope for Today, Grace Fox offers you 90 daily devotions to refresh your soul and lead you to a place of joy on the journey. Read and reflect on these gems; let their truth remind you of God's presence and care. You don't walk alone, my friend. Each day's devotion offers a key Bible verse, insights on where to pause, an application question to ponder and a one-sentence prayer. You'll also find encouraging quotes from others who walked a difficult journey but discovered joy along the way. Get your copy today!


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Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV)

How are you encouraged today by knowing that God’s nail-scarred hands hold you? What cares do you need to place in God’s mighty hands?

© 2022 by Grace Foxx. All rights reserved.

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