

The Path That Leads Us Home

Alicia Bruxvoort

December 30, 2019

Este devocional está disponible en español
“Your unfailing love is always before me; I have journeyed down Your path of truth.” Psalm 26:3 (VOICE)

I didn’t know my son was lost until a stranger showed up on the driveway to deliver him home on that winter day long ago.

We had just relocated our family to a new state, and our life had spiraled into a sudden blur of mayhem and moving boxes. Our kids quickly grew tired of unpacking, so they bundled up and headed outside to explore our new backyard. Soon, they’d organized a game of hide-and-go-seek in the snowy woods behind our house. And as his big sisters discussed who would be the first seeker, 7-year-old Joshua scurried off to find a hiding place in the trees. I watched from the window for a few moments and then turned my attention back to the tower of boxes in my kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, I was unpacking dishes and organizing silverware when an unfamiliar truck pulled into our driveway. We didn’t know a soul in our new town yet, so I wondered who our visitor could be.

A man we’d never met slipped out from behind the steering wheel, and a familiar 4-foot boy tumbled out of the passenger door.

What followed were swift introductions and a brief tale of a little boy who’d gotten lost in the woods and eventually wandered into a neighbor’s yard, a half mile from home.

With a scarlet-faced mix of gratitude and horror, I thanked our new neighbor for finding our lost son and awkwardly apologized for the inconvenience. He gave us a kind-eyed smile and patted Joshua’s slender shoulders. “I’m just glad I was able to help him find his way home.”

When Joshua climbed into bed that night, the whole story spilled out between tears and trembles.

In a weary whisper, my boy told me how he’d scurried through the woods in search of a “really good hiding spot.” In his excitement he’d wandered so far away he could no longer see our house through the snow-tipped trees.

He’d walked in circles until he finally hollered for help, and in time, the kind neighbor acknowledged his cry.

Tears burned in my own eyes as I imagined my son lost and confused in that maze of snow and tree trunks. I kissed him goodnight and whispered a prayer of thanks over my little boy and the caring stranger who had led him home.

Just as I was leaving his room, Joshua lifted his head and muttered, “Mom, what we need in our woods is a path … then I could find my way home.”

I’ve never been lost in the woods on a winter’s day, but I’ve certainly felt misguided and confused, trying to navigate my way through this broken world.

I’ve found myself lost in messy relationships and adrift in my own insecurities. I’ve been misled by the bedlam of the world around me and fooled by the longings of my own heart.

I’ve spun in circles as I’ve tried to navigate the uncharted challenges of marriage, and I’ve stood stuck as I attempted to find my way through the ever-changing demands of parenting.

And it’s in those moments of confusion and seasons of uncertainty that I am humbly thankful for the gift of God’s Word and those who’ve helped point me in the right direction.

As Psalm 26:3 reminds us God’s truth is more than an age-old tale; it’s a trusted trail.

“Your unfailing love is always before me; I have journeyed down Your path of truth.”

The longer I’m in this world, the more I believe nobody should have to wander through life lost and afraid. That’s why, by God’s grace, I’m committed to helping people encounter Jesus and equipping them to travel the path of God’s Word. Perhaps you are too?

Let’s spur each other on in the journey. Together, we can be like my sweet new neighbor on that winter’s day long ago. Because we all know that it’s not just 7-year-olds who need a path to find their way home.

Lord, I’m so thankful that You allow us to come alongside others on their path — their journey to growing closer to You. Help me continue to reach more and more of the lost souls around me, as we’re all just wandering through this broken world. May I be a beacon of light reaching others with the hope and truth found in Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Proverbs 4:26, “Take care you don’t stray from the straight path, the way of truth, and you will safely reach the end of your road.” (VOICE)

John 8:32, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (NLT)


If you’re reading this … maybe God has used our ministry to point you back to His path of Truth when you’ve gotten off track or confused. Maybe you’ve used our resources as a signpost to point you to Jesus when you’ve lost your way. Will you prayerfully consider giving back so we can continue sharing our resources and reaching even more women who desperately need Him?

And here’s the exciting thing: There are only 48 hours left! Donate to Proverbs 31 Ministries today, and your gift will be doubled! We believe if women know the Truth and live the Truth, it will change everything. Will you help us? Donate today.




How has Proverbs 31 Ministries met you in your journey and pointed your heart toward Jesus? We’d love to hear your story in the comments.

© 2019 by Alicia Bruxvoort. All rights reserved.

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