“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Jeremiah 2:13 (NIV)
Have you ever thought about the true longing of your heart? I’m not talking about a passing craving, intention or goal. I’m talking about the message your heart is desperately longing to hear.
For years, I suppressed the true longing of my heart — to know my presence matters. As a long-time Christ-follower, I was well-acquainted with the gospel story and knew Jesus loves me and had died for me, bringing me freedom and fullness in Him. But I was struggling to let that truth fully settle into my heart and life.
I kept falling into the same ruts, feeling stuck and ashamed year after year. I couldn't grasp the identity and value I knew I already had, and I couldn’t understand why I didn't feel like I was growing more.
Frustration, sadness and loneliness welled up within me, and I became very sensitive to people's words and actions. I wondered, Is there any sanctification happening within me? Is something wrong with me? Do I have a calling? Can I make any kind of impact on this world?
Though I looked calm and capable on the outside, my inner world was in shambles. I was constantly comparing myself to others, a dangerous game in which I always came up short.
My unwillingness to submit to the Holy Spirit and insistence on going about my life the way I saw fit revealed my idols — the ways in which I tried to satisfy my heart’s core longing apart from Christ.
In biblical times, a cistern was a man-made reservoir dug in the ground or rock to collect and store water. Cisterns were important in Israel because of the long dry season and very few natural water sources. But a broken cistern was completely worthless. Cracked rock or crumbling stone held little to no water. Collecting and storing water in a broken cistern would be about as effective as trying to drink from a cracked coffee cup!
We’re all wired to feel, think and act in certain ways in order to satisfy our core longing. But we forsake our Creator when we try to fulfill this unending craving in our own strength, and we'll always be left wanting more.
In Jeremiah 2:13, the prophet Jeremiah points out the foolishness of God’s people. The Fall corrupted how we try to satisfy the thirst of our hearts. We look to the broken cisterns of relationships, professional successes, material goods or many other things that can never truly satisfy. These things will never offer true peace to our hearts or relationships.
But there is good news!
Jesus’ life, death and resurrection righted all that is wrong in us so we can bring to life our true longing and purpose. The gospel specifically fulfills each of our hearts’ cries, giving us a spring of Living Water that will never run dry.
When we know, believe and trust that Christ alone can satisfy us, He unlocks deep transformation. Our thirst is quenched, and we are set free to live as His beloved children. We can then use our unique perspectives and amazing qualities to bless others and bring glory to God.
Whatever you’re thirsting for today, may you fully believe and trust you are fully seen and loved by God. He intricately created you and knows your every heart longing. You can find rest and great joy knowing all He has is yours.
Heavenly Father, illuminate my heart with all its motivations and inclinations. I want to break free from the broken cisterns that will always leave me wanting more and move forward in growth and freedom. Help me remember only You can satisfy the true longing of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Romans 8:1-2, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” (NIV)
John 4:14, “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (NIV)
The gospel-centered Enneagram can help you discover your heart’s core longing and how Christ alone can satisfy it. Take Beth McCord’s free test to discover your Enneagram Type and use this personality tool as an internal GPS to keep you on your healthiest path to becoming more like Christ.
To continue in your growth journey, pick up a copy of your type-specific journal from The Enneagram Collection series.
For more gospel-centered insights on the Enneagram, visit Beth’s Your Enneagram Coach Blog, or follow her on Instagram.
Enter to WIN your very own copy of The Enneagram Collection by Beth McCord. To celebrate this book, Beth’s publisher will give away 5 copies! Enter to win by leaving a comment here. {We’ll randomly select 5 winners and then notify each one by Monday, January 27, 2020.}
Do you know the core longing of your heart? How have you seen it at work throughout your life? What or who have you looked to in order to quench this thirst in the past?
How do you feel to hear that it’s Christ alone who can satisfy your core longing?
How can you apply this gospel insight to move forward in growth, hope and freedom?
© 2020 by Beth McCord. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries thanks Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, for their sponsorship of today’s devotion.
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