

Jesus Never Asked You To Be Busy

Grace Valentine

September 13, 2022

Este devocional está disponible en español
“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:41-42 (NIV)

I get you because I am you … I’ve been you since I was 17. Always busy. Always “productive.” Living life like a race and running from activity to activity. Trying to achieve it all.

You’re overwhelmed and overbooked.
You’re undercaffeinated and underappreciated.
You’re busy.

And chances are, if you and I are this similar, then my favorite word is also your favorite word: “YES.” You say “yes” without thinking, then find yourself in over your head. Life is moving faster than you are, and some mornings, you wonder if there’s ever going to be an eye cream good enough to hide your bags.

I get it.

But, friend — Jesus never asked you to be busy.

Don’t let your plans distract you from your purpose. See, there’s nothing wrong with keeping a calendar. There’s nothing wrong with having plans. But are you pursuing plans, or are you pursuing purpose?

I often get distracted from God’s will when I focus on my will. My will is to be busy, have plans, be productive and achieve success. But God’s will is forever for me to sit at His feet, focus on Him and pursue my relationship with Him. I will never know why I was created if I don’t know my Creator and Savior.

There’s a Bible passage I love where two women, Mary and Martha, prepare for Jesus to arrive at their home. However, they each handle His arrival differently. Martha was the one preparing the house while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, simply listening to Him.

Jesus told Martha, “‘Martha, Martha … you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41-42).

Martha may have been the one who was being productive, but she was missing out on her purpose. What Martha was doing was helpful … but it wasn’t holy.

You only have one purpose, and it is Jesus.

To love Jesus.
To be with Jesus.
To show others Jesus.

So, my busy, overwhelmed and tired friend — drop your worries. Drop your anxieties. Drop your to-do list. Drop your plans if they are getting in the way of time with sweet Jesus.

Your purpose is more than your job, your activities, your financial stability or your calendar. Jesus doesn’t want your schedule, your hustle or your good deeds. Jesus wants YOU.

When He said “come to me” (Matthew 11:28, NIV), I don’t think He meant “come to Me with a busy life.” He didn’t say, “Come to Me when you have space in your life.” He meant for us to come right now in our weariness and sit at His feet. He meant for us to be authentically ourselves and not bring our full résumés. He meant for us to come now, even in the midst of the craziness of life.

Whether you are in college and overwhelmed with school, or you are a postgrad overwhelmed with adulting — whether you are a mom of three, or a single woman killing it at work — do me a favor and make time for Jesus … time to be with Jesus. Call out to Him, and give Him your silence so you have a chance to hear Him speak. Open your Bible and read His Word.

Let's stop focusing on all the things and instead focus on Him. How are we supposed to figure out our purpose if we aren’t doing life with the One who created us? How are we supposed to change the world if we're not first sitting at the feet of the One who saved the world?

Many people will tell us to hustle. Many people will tell us that each day is about working harder and becoming smarter. But trust me — we can work as hard as we want, and if we aren’t sitting at His feet, we’re missing out on true purpose.

So go to work, study for the test and do your squats. But before you do any of that, sit quietly alone. Separate yourself from the hustle. Talk to Jesus, and open up your Bible. Jesus wants you — not your hectic life, not your hustle.

Let’s seek Him first so we don't risk missing out on His beautiful Kingdom.

Dear God, there may be a lot I have to do this week or even today, but remind me to first praise what You have done. Help me to first sit at Your feet and worship You. Remind me that if I want to change this world, I have to first sit at Your feet, the feet of the One who saved this world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Did you know Proverbs 31 Ministries has a YouTube channel? With hundreds of videos featuring friends like Jennie Allen, Nicki Koziarz, Lara Casey and Chrystal Evans Hurst, we cover topics like doubt, knowing your purpose, overcoming negative ways of thinking and more. We have something that will encourage you in whatever you are facing today. Click here to see all our videos, and make sure you subscribe so you never miss a new one!

Women struggle to live a life that is about pleasing others — but Scripture describes women who actually did the opposite. In this third book from popular blogger and podcaster Grace Valentine, What Will They Think?: Nine Women in the Bible Who Can Help You Live Your Life Boldly features the stories of Esther, Deborah, Sarah, Mary Magdalene, Tabitha and others. These women did not bend to peer pressure or seek to people-please but instead turned their focus on God. Get your copy here today!


For more encouragement from Grace Valentine, follow her on Instagram @thegracevalentine. Her website is


Matthew 6:33-34, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (ESV)

When you have a lot going on during the week, what is often the first thing you think about when you wake up? What does “seek first the kingdom” look like in the midst of a busy week? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

© 2022 by Grace Valentine. All rights reserved.

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