

You Are a Woman of Promise, Not Panic

Bonnie Gray

November 13, 2023

Este devocional está disponible en español
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you ...” Isaiah 43:2 (NIV)

I was waiting for an hour at Walgreens for a prescription to recover from the flu. The lines were hardly moving. News of COVID-19 surging created an anxious atmosphere. People were getting frustrated, mumbling under their breath, just loud enough to say how terrible and ridiculous it was to wait so long. Some threw their hands up in the air, and little kids started melting down. People were stressed.

When it was finally my turn to pay, the person who rang me up turned out to be the pharmacist herself. She looked very worn out. In one hand, she held the phone, on hold with an insurance company. With the other hand, she scanned my prescription, explaining medication precautions to me — while answering questions from staff from every direction.

“I’m so sorry about the wait. We’re really backed up.” She spoke with exhaustion, her shoulders hunched over. I noticed her lips seemed dry and wondered when was the last time she had a drink of water.

Then I did something I try to do whenever I see an opportunity to bring someone a moment of God’s peace: I imagined what I would do if she were my sister or friend.

When we picture someone as our sister, brother or friend, sometimes this makes it easier to treat them as Christ would in that moment. Because God’s Holy Spirit is alive in us if we follow Jesus, we can become inspired to encourage others.

“Thank you so much for your help,” I replied with an empathetic smile. “You have a tough job. You’re doing great!” 

She stumbled for words. “I feel horrible about the wait.”

I saw her reticence as an opportunity to lift her spirits and help her see how God sees her — by sharing how she was a part of my story. “Well, I’ve been coming to this Walgreens since I’ve been a mom. I’ve picked up a lot of prescriptions over the years for my boys. You’re always so conscientious in telling me about the prescriptions, though you’ve said the same thing a gazillion times. I want you to know I appreciate you. You didn’t know it, but you’re a blessing!”

When I said that, her eyes welled up with emotion. She whispered, “Thank you.”

Friends, as God’s children, we have the power to lift a person’s spirit with God’s peace by simply offering a smile and pausing to hear what they might say. We can offer the gift of listening. Being present.

We can all use encouragement. We all find ourselves stuck in hard places. That’s why God gifted each of us with something we can offer. Yes, you have wisdom, encouragement or an interest you enjoy that someone else will surely need in the moment you share it. You are a woman of promise and purpose because of God’s promise to love and care for you. When others panic, you have the power to bless them at a time when they need connection most.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us … if it is to encourage, then give encouragement …” (Romans 12:6-8, NIV).

Instead of panicking, try practicing soul care. Reflect on scriptures that steady your heart. When you face life’s storms, calm your fears by hearing God’s loving voice and His promise to protect and provide for you step by step. God will carry you through.

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned …” (Isaiah 43:2, NIV).

Turn to your loving Savior, Jesus, who is standing next to you — whether in line at the store or wherever you are — and hear the Prince of Peace tenderly whisper, I love you. I will help you. I am with you.

Then offer a loving word or smile to others with the blessing of peace. Turn a moment of panic into promise. Shine God’s light.

Let’s all share our certain hope in our Prince of Peace during uncertain times.

Jesus, calm my panic with Your peace. Help me rest in Your love for me today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


We can notice God’s goodness even when we’re waiting for God’s answer. At Proverbs 31 Ministries, we want to help you see God’s presence in the small moments of your day. By partnering with us, you are helping us provide specific scriptures and prayers that will comfort the woman who feels like God has forgotten her. Will you help us continue to provide free biblical resources to you and other women like you by donating today? Click here to give now.




As a woman of promise, not panic, find peace in God’s promises now. Download the FREE resource “7 Prayers and Scriptures to Calm Your Soul” here from Soul Care Mentor Bonnie Gray, and breathe in God’s loving promises for you.



Take Bonnie’s free “Soul Care Quiz” — your personal wellness assessment — to learn what type of care you’re missing most and flourish with God’s peace and joy! Follow Bonnie on Instagram or Facebook.


Hebrews 10:24, “and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds …” (NASB).

What promise in Scripture brings you peace? Share your thoughts in the comments.

© 2023 by Bonnie Gray. All rights reserved.

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