“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (NIV)
“Wait — this can’t be right,” I said, looking at the unfamiliar landscape outside my car window. On my way to my son’s football game, I realized after 20 minutes of driving that I had missed a turn. It would take another 20 minutes to get to my destination.
I sighed in frustration. I was already running late, and my mistake had eaten up valuable time. I had a choice: Give up and go home, or take the time needed to get on the correct path. Honestly, I felt like giving up, but imagining my son’s disappointment when I didn’t show up motivated me to keep going.
The next morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me how my choice to head in the right direction paralleled a turn I had made recently in my spiritual life.
Just a few weeks prior, I had told God that I’d gone too far and that it would take too much work to get back to Him. In the aftermath of my divorce, I entered into an unhealthy relationship and made ungodly choices. When I longed to walk away from the relationship and get right with God again, my overwhelming shame and guilt made it seem impossible.
Immediately after voicing my fears to Him, I heard these words in a song: “Doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter what you’ve done. You are never, you are never, never too far gone” (“Never Too Far Gone” by Jordan Feliz).
God assured me it wasn’t too late; I wasn’t too far gone. As Romans 8:1 says: “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (NIV). Similarly, 1 John 1:9 tells us: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
These verses point to two truths:
When believers in Jesus mess up, we aren’t condemned. Satan wants us to believe that we’re too bad for God to forgive, that God doesn't want us back after we’ve sinned. Satan feeds us thoughts like, I can’t believe you did that. You call yourself a Christian? How could you make that mistake again? While God convicts us of sin and prompts us to repent, He doesn’t cast us away. When we sin, He pursues us, wooing us back to Himself.
God cleanses us of unrighteousness. God restores us by forgiving and cleansing us. When we turn to Him and confess our sins, He takes away our shame, our guilt, and the stain of our wrongdoing, making us whole again.
Maybe you’re caught in a trap of poor decisions. Maybe you went in a different direction than God told you to go. Maybe you feel weighed down by shame and condemnation.
You don’t have to continue on that path — you can go back, correcting your course. Don’t listen to the lie that you’ve gone too far or that God doesn’t want you because of what you’ve done. His grace and mercy are waiting for you — you only need to turn.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your work on the cross and Your forgiveness. Help me to come to You when I sin rather than run away in shame and guilt. I receive Your love and mercy today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Have you ever wondered, God, what are You doing? How could You possibly bring anything good from this? These moments are one of the many reasons Proverbs 31 Ministries exists. We want to be the friend that turns your eyes back to biblical Truth, even when your flesh and fears want to dwell on the impossibilities of your situation. Will you help us continue providing free biblical resources to women just like you by donating today? Let's keep fighting fear with His Truth … together. Donate Now!
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Betrayal can come in so many different forms. Maybe a friend tells a secret you trusted them with. Or maybe your spouse is making decisions that are breaking your heart. Or maybe a co-worker threw you under the bus. Underneath it all, if you’re honest, you feel betrayed by God: Why didn’t He step in? Lysa TerKeurst, Dr. Joel Muddamalle and counselor Jim Cress are covering all of this and more in the recent Therapy & Theology episode, “I’m Afraid I’m Being Betrayed.” Watch on YouTube Here!
Today’s devotion writer, Carol Whitaker, is a member of COMPEL Pro Writers Training. Receive writing tips on your social media feeds when you follow COMPEL Pro on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
John 3:17, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (NIV).
When have you felt afraid to come to God in prayer? What thoughts have you allowed to play in your head recently that are not from God? Release those to Him today.
We’d also love to hear your thoughts — share them in the comments!
© 2024 by Carol Whitaker. All rights reserved.
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